Casa Ashtanga


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Programa de Mysore Ashtanga Yoga en Playa Pelada

Mysore Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga estilo Mysore es una clase en la que cada estudiante practica a su propio ritmo dentro de un entorno grupal. El maestro trabaja 1 a 1 con el estudiante, lo que permite un enfoque individualizado, considerando las habilidades y necesidades únicas de cada estudiante. No se necesita experiencia previa para comenzar una práctica de Mysore. Todos los niveles son bienvenidos.

En esta práctica sincronizamos el movimiento dinámico usando la respiración, la postura (asana) y los puntos de enfoque visual (drshti). Al centrarnos en estos tres aspectos, trabajamos para volver continuamente al momento presente. A medida que el cuerpo se fortalece y la respiración se vuelve más estable, la práctica del estudiante crece lentamente. Esto permite que cada estudiante practique a su propio ritmo y se desarrolle de una manera sostenible y enriquecedora. El maestro en la sala de Mysore es una guía y un espejo, que provee al estudiante un espacio en el que se sienta seguro y apoyado mientras emprende su propio viaje personal hacia el autoconocimiento y el crecimiento.

Patañjali Yoga Sūtra (1.14) nos dice que la practica solo será una base solida si se practica con devoción, de forma continua y bajo un largo periodo de tiempo. Este es un aspecto fundamental de nuestro trabajo conjunto.

En las clases de Mysore la comunidad es el corazón de la práctica. Nos apoyamos e inspiramos mutuamente al presentarnos como grupo todos los días, pero cada uno de nosotros en su propio viaje individual.

Mysore Ashtanga Yoga is a self-paced practice within a group environment. The teacher works 1-on-1 with the student, allowing for an individualized approach to learning yoga, considering each student's own unique abilities and needs. No prior experience with yoga is necessary to start a Mysore practice. All are welcome.

In this practice we synchronize dynamic movement using breathing, posture (asana) and gazing points (drshti). By focusing on these three aspects, we work towards continuously bringing ourselves back to the present moment. As the body strengthens and the breath becomes steadier, the student's practice slowly grows. This allows each student to practice at their own pace and develop in a way that is both sustainable and nurturing. The teacher in the Mysore room is a guide and a mirror, holding a supportive and compassionate space for the student as they pursue their own personal journey towards self-knowledge and growth.

Patañjali Yoga Sūtra (1.14) reveals to us that by cultivating a consistent practice, over a long period of time, and with reverence, the student's practice will become firmly rooted and stable. This is a foundational aspect of our work together.

Community is at the heart of the Mysore Ashtanga practice. We support and inspire each other by showing up as a group each day, yet each of us on our own individual journey.

Horario y Tarifas ~ Class Schedule & Fees

Weekly Classes

Mysore Ashtanga (new students welcome)

Monday to Friday: 7:00am-10:30am

Sunday: 8:15am-9:45am

Guided Ashtanga ~ 1 hour guided ashtanga yoga class, suitable for all experience levels (new students welcome)

Wednesday: 10:30am-11:30am

Schedule subject to change. See updated calendar here. Para actualizaciones y días de luna revisar al calendario.

La clase de Mysore Ashtanga no dura 3.5 horas. Los estudiantes pueden llegar en cualquier momento durante la clase de Mysore para comenzar. Los nuevos estudiantes pueden contar que su primer día de práctica dure entre 30 y 40 minutos.

The Mysore Ashtanga class is not 3.5 hours in length. Students arrive at any time during the Mysore session to begin practice. New students can expect their first day of practice to last 30-40 minutes.

Class Fees for Mysore Ashtanga and Beginner Ashtanga


Mes Ilimitado

5 Clases



30,000 colones

15,000 colones

5,000 colones


40,000 colones

17,000 colones

6,000 colones


150 USD

80 USD

20 USD


Nuevos Estudiantes ~ New Students

Prepárate para la Práctica

  • Trae tu mat de yoga y una toalla pequeña. Si aún no tienes tu propio mat, puedes pedir prestado uno.
  • Evita usar fragancias fuertes.
  • Ponga su teléfono en silencio y ayude a mantener un espacio de práctica tranquilo.
  • Evita comer 2-3 horas antes de la práctica.
  • Infórmenos de cualquier lesión, o si está embarazada.
  • Se recomienda evitar la práctica durante los días de mayor flujo menstrual. Es tu elección. También podemos enseñarte una secuencia de poses de apoyo para practicar estos días.

Después de la Práctica

  • Asegúrese de permitirse al menos 5-10 minutos de descanso después de la práctica.
  • Una ducha está disponible si necesitas bañarte después de la clase.

Ajustes Físicos

  • Los ajustes físicos se utilizan normalmente en las clases de Ashtanga Por favor, dígale al maestro si no desea ajustarse físicamente durante la práctica o en una pose en particular.

Luna Nueva y Luna Llena

No hay práctica de Mysore en estos días. No clase o se ofrecerá un pranayama guiado (ejercicios de respiración). Para actualizaciones y días de Luna revisar al calendario.

Prepare for Practice

  • Bring a yoga mat and small towel to put next to your mat. If you do not have your own mat yet, you may borrow one.
  • Avoid wearing strong fragrances in class.
  • Turn your phone on silent and help maintain a quiet practice space.
  • Refrain from eating a meal 2-3 hours prior to practice.
  • Inform us of any injuries, or if you are pregnant.
  • It is recommended to avoid practice during the heaviest day(s) of menstrual flow. This is your choice. We can also teach you a sequence of supportive poses to practice on these days.

After Practice

  • Ensure you allow for at least 5-10 minutes of rest after practice.
  • A shower is available for you to use after practice.

Physical Adjustments

  • Hands-on adjustments are typically used in Ashtanga Yoga classes. Please tell the teacher if you do not want to be physically adjusted during practice, or in a particular pose.

New and Full Moon Days

  • No Mysore practice on these days. A guided pranayama (breathing exercises) may be offered - check the calendar here

Profesors ~ Instructors

Linda Banes began her yogic studies in 1997. Prior to starting her Ashtanga Yoga practice in 2012, she taught the Gyrotonic Expansion System, Kundalini Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga in San Francisco, Los Angeles and NYC.K Linda’s practice and teaching is most influenced by her time studying with Barbara Verrochi, Sharmila Desai, Sharath Jois, Rolf & Marci Naujokat, Hari Kaur Khalsa, Darin Somma and Timothy Lynch, with whom she founded Mysore Oakland and Atha in the San Francisco Bay Area. Linda is grateful for the opportunity to share Mysore Ashtanga in Nosara and strives to co-create a welcoming space to support us as individuals navigating through life’s many challenges, while also nurturing our souls. And doing this together in community. Linda is also a parent to an amazing 7 year old daughter. She has been an officer on the Board of Trustees at a Waldorf school in Berkeley and has held leadership roles at both global financial firms and early-stage tech startups.

Spiros Antonopoulos is a yoga instructor, occultist, tea-maker, astrologer, and designer. In the early 1990s, Spiros began studying yoga, meditation, and chanting through a hermetic magical order based upon the work of Aleister Crowley. He began learning the Ashtanga Yoga method in 1999, and his practice deepened considerably in 2001 when he met Pattabhi Jois, Saraswati Jois, and Sharath Jois while studying and apprenticing with Eddie Stern at the Broome Street Ganesha Temple in New York City. After several extended pilgrimages to India, Spiros began accepting offers to teach. In 2015, he was invited to launch a still-thriving Mysore Ashtanga program at Yoga Souk in Beirut, Lebanon. In 2016, he was authorized to teach Ashtanga Yoga by Sharath Jois. In 2017, he opened the Los Angeles Yoga Club (a sister school to Eddie Stern's Brooklyn Yoga Club). Today Spiros travels, studies, and teaches.

Catalina Hernández-Sauma es cofundadora de Casa Ashtanga Nosara.

Recursos ~ Resources for Visiting Students

Parenting is often referred to as the 7th series of Ashtanga Yoga. Parenting can push and stretch us in ways we may have not previously thought possible. It is challenging to maintain a consistent practice once we become parents. We want to give everything we have to these precious little beings and the list of things to do gets longer. As a result, our Sadhana can easily get pushed aside.

To support practitioners with young children, Casa Ashtanga partners with Wild Child Nosara - Playgarden & Wildschooling, located 10 minutes driving distance from Casa Ashtanga/Nosara Art Gallery.

Wild Child Nosara - Playgarden & Wildschooling offers short and long-term bilingual (English/Spanish) holistic educational programs led by teachers experienced in the Waldorf and Forest pedagogies. Programs support children ages 1-9 years and are available for half day or full day, with drop-off as early as 7:30am.

Daily activities Include:

  • Circle routine with songs, emotional check-in, and sharing circles: a wonderful time to promote socio-emotional skills in young children
  • Nature explorations
  • Movement class: Capoeira, Circus arts, Dance, Soccer, Gymnastics, Acroyoga and/or other movement explorations with guest teachers
  • Yoga & Mindfulness
  • Art, Music, and creative experiences
  • Storytime with dolls and puppets
  • Heart-opening practices and/or sound journeys
  • Nap time for younger children (12.45 until 2pm); Art, Movement, or free play outdoors for others

For more information, contact Linda or visit:

Children ages 10 and up are welcome to stay in the spacious and comfortable hang out area of the Nosara Art Gallery while their parent is practicing.

Ubicación y Contacto | Location & Contact Info

Whatsapp: Linda: +1 917 608 6312

Instagram: ashtanga.nosara


Nosara Art Gallery en Playa Pelada, Nosara, Costa Rica

Sunset Peladas, Segundo Piso/ 2nd Floor

La galería está en la carretera principal a Playa Pelada, ubicada entre El Chivo Cantina/La Bodega y Seekret Spot Gelateria. Está en el segundo piso de las Sublime Cabinas de Sunset Peladas.

The gallery is on the main road to Playa Pelada, located between El Chivo Cantina/La Bodega and Seekret Spot Gelateria. It is on the second floor of the Sunset Peladas Sublime Cabinas.